Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, we are currently running church sessions online rather than in person.

Sunday morning services are the main worship event within the church. We try to ensure there is a contemporary edge to our regular worship, although the style remains fairly traditional.

With powerpoint images and video clips used during worship, we believe it is important that our worship has a relevance for life today, being accessible and meaningful for those of different ages and backgrounds.

Our usual Sunday attendance is usually around 110 (plus children).

There are events and activities for children during the morning service, with the children coming to share in worship for the last 20 minutes. (There is also a crèche).

Family Services

We hold a family service on the last Sunday of each month. Praise is led by the worship band, and the children join us for the first and last part of the service (with an activity in the hall for them in the middle of the service). These services are proving increasingly popular with families and young people – providing a more lively format than a “normal Sunday”.


Communion is celebrated four times a year – on the first Sunday of September, December, March and June. On those Sundays services are held at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. We welcome all those who know and love the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord to share in communion. Children are welcome to share in communion with us.

Items for inclusion in the next week’s order of service to be with Lorna by Thursday Lunchtime – 0131 440 4545