Birth – 3 years old
Crèche runs in the Small Hall on a Sunday morning during the church service. There are always at least two people volunteering to look after your little ones each week. No need to book, there are standby volunteers in the congregation if we need more help! If you would like to join the volunteer rota please contact Kayleigh Brown.
Junior Church
3 – 11 years old
Junior Church (or Sunday School as many will remember it) runs in the Main Hall during the church service and has groups for children from pre-school to P7. The children come into the church for the last part of the service each week.
The last Sunday of the month is our Family Service, where the children are in church for most of the service, leaving for an activity in the Main Hall during the sermon.
Christian Adventurers
11+ years old
The Adventurers meet in the Vestry during the Sunday morning service. This group uses a contemporary and relevant style to explore Christianity and is aimed at pre-teens and teenagers.
Friday Night Youth Group
We meet 7pm-8.30pm every Friday night in the church halls where we have pool, table tennis, Jenga, board games and computer games. There is a tuck shop and we also have a short time of bible study. No need to book, just come along.