The Rwanda Group began supporting children and widows in Rwanda back in 2013. This is a country where a large proportion of the population still live in poverty with irregular income and little prospect of meaningful employment.

Funding has been provided to send a group of children to school who would not otherwise be able to afford an education. Some of these children are now starting secondary school. Each year they have been provided with uniforms, books and school fees. A number of older children have been given vocational training to enable them to find jobs. During the Covid-19 pandemic radios were purchased for the children so that they could listen to classes being broadcast during the Rwandan lockdown.

The families of these children have been helped by buying sewing machines for the mothers so that they can earn an income by making clothes and other articles. Rabbits have also been bought which are a valuable source of both income and food.

Support has also been provided for Sunday School teacher training through Scripture Union in Rwanda.

If you would like to sponsor a Rwandan child or otherwise support our work in Rwanda please speak to Mary Millan or contact us