During Lent this year we will be hosting a series of local walks. Most will be suitable for all with some aimed more towards adults and some more multi-generational aimed at all ages. Please join us and feel free to invite a friend or neighbour, all are welcome. More details will be posted here about each walk as it approaches but please contact us if you have any questions.
Walking Through Holy Week – self guided walks

Scavenger Hunt 11th-15th April
WALKING THROUGH HOLY WEEK – Below is a list of items we hope you can find over the holidays when out on a walk. Once you have collected all the items why not bring them along to church with you on Easter Sunday. We can then show the others in the church what you found.…

Self Guided Walk 11th-15th April
WALKING THROUGH HOLY WEEK – This is a self guided walk that you can choose to do any time this week, Holy Week. This walk is designed to be taken at your own pace, wherever you choose and whenever fits. There are three short sections, each lasting around 10 minutes, and a final one that…
Next scheduled walks

Sunrise Lent Walk/Swim! – Easter Sunday 17th April
WALKING AND SWIMMING – On Easter Sunday morning we will be celebrating that Jesus is risen by gathering on the beach and (optional) going for a swim in the sea at sunrise! We will meet at Tumbles Leisure Centre, Portobello, Car Park at 5.45am. The address is 20 Westbank Street, Edinburgh EH15 1DR. The plan…

Lent Walk – Saturday 16th April
WALKING AND WAITING – Holy Saturday walk (2hrs). Includes stopping somewhere rural for a time of still reflection. Aimed at adults but all welcome, though bear in mind this is a longer, more rural walk. We will meet at Flotterstone Car Park at 2pm and will return to there approx. 4pm. Why not invite a…
Menu of walks
Ash Wednesday 2nd March, 2pm – WALKING IN PRAYER – a short (30mins) reflective and accessible walk, beginning at Loanhead Parish Church, to mark the beginning of Lent. Aimed at adults but all welcome.
Saturday 5th March, 2.15pm – WALKING THROUGH LENT – all age ‘wonder walk’ (1hr) marking the beginning of Lent, exploring what Lent is and why it is an important time.
Saturday 12th March, 2pm – WALKING WITH OTHERS – local accessible historical walk (1hr), aimed at adults but all welcome. ‘Loanhead’s churches past and present: communion of the saints’.
Saturday 19th March, 2pm – WALKING WITH FRIENDS – all age ‘wonder walk’ (1hr)
***POSTPONED UNTIL MAY***DATE TBC*** Saturday 26th March, 2pm – WALKING IN THE WILDERNESS – longer (2hrs) walk aimed at adults but all welcome.
Wednesday 30th March, 2pm – midweek repeat of historical walk from 12th March (1hr)
Saturday 2nd April, 2pm – WALKING AS WE ARE – longer (2hrs) all age walk celebrating the communities of Bilston, Loanhead and Roslin, beginning at Gowkley Moss Roundabout.
Sunday 10th April, 9.30am – WALKING IN HOPE – short (30mins) all age walk, leaving from Loanhead Parish Church, marking Palm Sunday.
Week beginning 11th April (school hols) – WALKING THROUGH HOLY WEEK (1) – Scavenger hunt aimed at children – bring answers to church on Easter Sunday.
Week beginning 11th April (Holy week) – WALKING THROUGH HOLY WEEK (2) – Audio reflective prayer walk to download and use at any time, aimed at adults but all welcome. Written instructions also available.
Saturday 16th April, 2pm – WALKING AND WAITING – Holy Saturday walk (2hrs). Includes stopping somewhere rural for a time of still reflection. Aimed at adults but all welcome.