Every year we run a competition for Primary School children to design our Christmas card that gets delivered to every home in Loanhead with details of Christmas services.

We hope that children attending primary school in Loanhead will be given an opportunity to design a card in school, but if your child lives in Loanhead and doesn’t get a chance to do this at school, they are still welcome to submit an entry. The winner will have their design printed on the card that will be delivered all over Loanhead and there are also prizes for the best entries in different age groups!

Here are the requirements.

  • The image should be on blank A4 paper or card – not folded
  • There should be nothing stuck on e.g. glitter or cotton wool
  • They can be done with paint, pencils, crayons or felt tips
  • Child’s name, class and contact number (parent/guardian) should be written on the back in pencil

Please deliver to the manse (unfolded!) on or before Wednesday 2nd December.