If you are booking with pre or primary school aged children please let us know when you call or text to book. They will sit with you in the church at the beginning before going into the hall for some children’s activities while you enjoy the remainder of the service. If you prefer them to stay with you for the duration of the service please mention that when booking.
In the service itself, there will be no singing and those attending are required to wear face coverings. We’ll also be making sure that people come in and out in a way that minimises the possibility for contact and with the seats set out as you can see below to maintain 2m physical distancing. For the time being the balcony is out of use.

How to book
Operating on a first come, first served basis, bookings will open from 12 noon on a Thursday and you can book by calling or texting using our dedicated number—07743 107097. Please indicate your name and the number you would like to book from your household—adults and children.
If you hear nothing back please assume that you have a place booked as we will only contact you if a place is not available. If we contact you to advise there isn’t a place available we will offer you a place for the following Sunday.
In order to support the NHS “Test and Protect” contact tracing system information about your attendance will be held for a period of 21 days and then destroyed.