Friends of Fountain Green are fundraising to buy bedding plants to brighten up the beds at Fountain Green and in the Memorial Park in Loanhead.
To donate via Facebook click here
OR Email to arrange to make a donation. Every £1 raised makes a difference!
For more info about the group and how to get involved click here
Friends of Fountain Green are a group of community volunteers maintaining the communal flower beds in the town’s 2 main central open spaces – Fountain Green, in the centre of the town (situated approximately 100 metres from the Scotmid store), and the town’s Memorial Park (the park itself is the town’s war memorial).

Throughout the year a series of weeding and planting events take place to keep the communal flower beds looking good. As the numbers of volunteers and partner groups increase the group hopes to increase the number of communal flowers beds being maintained and included those in other parts of the town.
Keeping these open spaces and flower beds looking good, enhances the town’s communal spaces and in turn engenders a sense of ownership and pride in the local community and environment as well as supporting the wellbeing of the indivduals who take part, creating positive social interaction across the generations. A range of people from across the community come together for the weeding and planting events – ages ranging from primary school age children to senior citizens. The group also works in partnership with other community groups to increase the number and range of people involved in the various events. Partner groups include the local Air Cadet Corp, the Brownies and Girl Guides, the Masonic Lodge and Loanhead Parish church.

The spring bulbs which were planted in Fountain Green in Autumn 2020 are now past there best and we’d love to be able to plant new summer, vibrant summer bedding plants in the beds to bring some much needed colour and cheeriness to the area.
If we’re lucky enough to raise more than our target, we’ll look to buy and install a watering system and more plants for Memorial Park.
Thank you, Friends of Fountain Green